the buddy is big

It is true. So sad. So glad. So large. So smart. So fast. So funny. So naughty. So nice. So tall.

The Buddy has grown exponentially these past couple months. He full on talks. Like 50 words. And an occasional sentence ("There it is!"). I can't believe we can talk to each other. It has changed my whole life. Communication is the key to any healthy relationship, haha.

He is still (more than ever) obsessed with balls. He knows "basketball", "football", and "golfball". "Baseball" still sounds like "basketball." He's trying. In church, he points to the basketball hoop and repeats, "basketball" over and over and over and over... it is cute for the first 15 minutes. 

Danny runs faster than me (I've hitting the gym, lately), he climbs up ladders and onto countertops faster than I can pull him down, and if I close my eyes for a nanosecond something is dumped onto the floor in massive amounts or just plain broken. I love it. Most of the time. He is such a spirited, active lil' boy. I'm so grateful he is all boy -- active, fun, fast, and totally into sports. That's my buddy!

His latest fetishes include: toilet water splashing, smacking me in the face, throwing things that aren't meant to be thrown, pouring water bottles down his shirt, and chewing up fruit then spitting out the skins. 

I am still waiting for the day when my baby will be a snuggler. He actually will sit on my lap for longer than 3 seconds when watching morning cartoons, and I cherish every second of it. I just hug, nuzzle, kiss, sniff, and squeeze him until he wiggles free and runs away.

Elmo is still a favorite, his binky is his best friend, and trashcans are his favorite toy. In fact, he is rummaging through the traschcan right now. BRB...

Favorite foods include anything edible (and sometimes inedible.)

We love this little kid so much. Steve and I are constantly exchanging smiles and giggles over this boy. He is hilarious. He runs in circles and falls flat on his face. Pops up and does it again. And again. The entertainment is endless. If you're thinking of getting a dog instead of a baby, think again. Babies are way cooler, more entertaining, and so much more fun. 


Audrey Crisp said…
He sounds like such a stud!
ok said…
Post pictures of the buddy!!! :)
Mindy said…
Oh Danny are such a cute little stinker boy!! We had so much fun seeing you all for New Years!!

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