Guys. Two words: Aspen Grove. If you haven't been, you must go. If you have been, you must schedule your next visit.
I have been going here for my Stapley family reunions for years. Since I was like 8. It is the bomb! They have a-frame cabins for the adventurous type, family lodges for the small reunions, huge modern lodges for the large reunions, and ritzy hotel rooms for the bug and bathroom-sharing averse. The camp store is complete with bulk candy, Frazil, and BYU Creamery ice cream. Every board or card game imaginable is available. They have tennis, shuffleboard, frisbee golf, volleyball, wallyball, racquetball, mini golf, badminton, fishing, ropes course, arts and crafts, pottery making, leather workshops, wooden pen making, marriage seminars, scripture lectures, devotionals, talent shows, daycare, tons of trampolines, archery, paintball, pool, ping pong, air hockey, foosball, movies, swimming with slides, field games, and full meals prepared three times a day! It is glorious. The kids all have their separate age groups that meet almost all day for activities, crafts, exercise, and games. They LOVE IT. The awesome staff even take newborns for the day so the adults can relax and enjoy the trip!
This year was no exception. We had a blast enjoying the view of Timp all week and just relaxing with family. It was a struggle every day getting danny shipped off to his group activities, but he loved every second of "stompers" when he was there. Gotta practice for preschool coming up in a few weeks (what?!)! One of the highlights of the week was having John Bytheway and his family at camp with us. He, obviously, gave a handful of excellent lectures. My favorites were the discussions on marriage :) So funny, so real, so true, and so easy to relate to. The other highlight of the trip was the kid activities... because that meant that I was FREE AS A BIRD. Talk about vacation, right?! It was marvelous. Fabulous. Incredible. Perfect.
We LOVED spending the whole week in the great outdoors. Nights were spent playing Monopoly Deal with the fam while the kids were snoozing. Since we've been back I've been so unamused with TV. Human interaction is just so much more fun...who knew? We can't wait for the next AG trip. Shout out to mom and dad for making this year's AG possible! Love you!
"Danny, Madelyn... pretend like you love each other." |
cute cousins |
jenga queen |
dad leading game time |
remnants of war paint |
handsome devil |
 | |
he kills me |
horseshoes |
"free snow cone!" |
frontier night complete with sno cones and a wagon |
tire swingin |
kinda creepy, mostly cute |
painting a golf ball for dad |
on a mommy-son date for the day because danny barfed the night before... hence, no group activities for him :( |
just got rocked in their basketball game haha |
that face! |
wearing the beanie grammie knitted him at camp |
shooting |
sisters and babes |
danny's first fish! sheer joy. |
mini date to sundance for suckers and huckleberry soda |
best investment of the trip: cougar blue headphones. |