I Made It!
I don't know why I've always wanted to go to San Francisco. Maybe it's
the charming cable cars, the picturesque Golden Gate Bridge, the lure
of Ghirardelli chocolate and authentic sourdough, or the Painted
Ladies of Full House. Maybe. Or maybe it's just the fantasy of
spending a weekend somewhere new with the man I love! No matter the
reason, the day has finally arrived! I just landed in San Francisco
and I am on my way to check in to the hotel and wait for Steve to get
off of work. Hooray for the weekend!
the charming cable cars, the picturesque Golden Gate Bridge, the lure
of Ghirardelli chocolate and authentic sourdough, or the Painted
Ladies of Full House. Maybe. Or maybe it's just the fantasy of
spending a weekend somewhere new with the man I love! No matter the
reason, the day has finally arrived! I just landed in San Francisco
and I am on my way to check in to the hotel and wait for Steve to get
off of work. Hooray for the weekend!
love your blog btw.