
The latest and greatest news in the Buddy world:

Everything is still "THIS"
Other words include: BALL , DA-DA, NA-NA (mom), APPLE, ELMO, YEAH, DOWN, BATH
Shoes of every shape and size must be put on his feet immediately
He slept until 8:15 this morning. I thought it was a dream.
Picks up phones all day, holds them to his ear,
and says Da-Da! over and over until I call Steve
Playing outside a lot
Sleeping in his own room
Drinking two bottles a day -- morning and night
Has TEN teeth, including 2 molars
Throws a ball like he's in the big leagues
Brushes his teeth everyday (because he loves the electric toothbrush)
Favorite foods include grapes, roast beef, french toast, watermelon, and applesauce
Loves Chick-Fil-A (at least I tell myself the reason we go 2-3 times a week is because HE loves it)
Pushed a girl for the first time (sorry, Sawyer! It's just because he likes you.)
Carries golf clubs around the house everywhere he goes
Makes a cute kissing sound and plants huge kisses on me all the time
Holds and cuddles with his Elmo doll (this is so adorable)
Points to what he wants... allllll dayyyyy
Needs to watch Blues Clues or Spot cartoons in the car 
within 3.2 seconds of being buckled in

We are loving watching this kidlet grow up! It is amazing to watch how fast they learn.
I love this little guy!


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