exercise is for the weak.

therefore, i must exercise. sigh. sigh, again.

the truth hurts, people. i am a weakling. my back hurts, i'm tired all the time, every inch of my body is soft as a pillow. it is time.

i made a purchase at costco today... 24 hour fitness, here i come. maybe. ok, fine, i'll go. sometimes. bah!

you guys, seriously... i have not really exercised in like 2 years. for me, that is just weird. my sister and brother-in-law would always make fun of me for exercising so much. they would say, and i quote, "waste your life," every time i headed out for a sweat. since i got pregnant, i started to agree with them, since i weigh the same now as i did back then. i thought to myself, "yeah, becca! waste your life is right."

that was until recently when i realized that exercise does more than manage weight. it lifts mood (it'd be nice to live sans zoloft someday), it increases energy (i could probably tone down the caffeination in my life), it helps with body aches and pains (maybe i'll sleep better, finally), and i might actually feel tight and strong again.

well, this is no crazy commitment. just the first step. wish me luck!


Kim said…
I totally feel you. I am trying so hard to start running again, but it's so hard and so much extra work with a baby. We can do it!!
Steph said…
Invest in a pair of rollerblades. Please do it. I go all the time down at Capo/Doheny with friends and it's a great workout without feeling completely pooped when it's over. And actually two of the girls who go wear roller skates! It's a good time. We're actually going tomorrow (friday) at 9 if you want to come!
Elise said…
we are about to buy those too from costco. every year we do the same thing- get chubby from october-march, then hurry and get fit for swimsuit season. ahaha it's insane. maybe we'll do classes together when we move down there in august.

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