
That is short for August, September, and (whaaaat?) October. Where did the time go!?
Anywho, here I am. Back to blogger... kinda. I don't know why I've been dreading blogging lately. Does anyone else get like that? Anyway, here I go -- prepare for a lackluster read as I blow my brains out recalling the past months of life.

In August, Steve and I took a vunderba trip to Las Vegas to visit Steve's sisters and their kids and his parents. It was a really fun weekend. It was hot, naturally. I don't mind the dry heat, and Steve LOVES it. Steve is awesome. We did the obvious -- shop, walk through the Bellagio gardens and watch the water show, eat out, hang out with the family, watched the tragic BYU game, and... decided to opt for a hotel at the last minute! We totally would have loved staying with family, but I had a serious urge to get away for the weekend with just my little family (maybe it's the fact that I live with my parents?? Which is wonderful, by the way). Anyway, it was so fun for Steve and me to just cuddle in the same bed (have I mentioned we are currently doing the daybed/trundle combo at the parentals?), have some personal space, and just enjoy being alone. Good call on my part. Plus, we still had plenty of time to play with the family! The only sad part of this fun story is that I brought the camera, but was too lazy to snap any pics. Oh well. Moving on.

My memory is failing me terribly as I type, and I am drawing a big, fat blank. Pretty much my only hope here is to narrate the following most recent pictures. The rest of life that was not captured in a photograph will have to remain in my deep subconscious until a brighter day.

Randomly selected pictures to start the madness:
Doing what he does best. Don't worry, these are probably fake tears considering I had time to grab the camera.
Taking the wheel and chomping on goldfish
The box is the most entertaining piece of the purchase, here.
FYI my care thermometer read 114 passing through Irvine. Ouch.

He loves every sport that involves a ball
We love hanging out with Lauren.
ANGELS GAME courtesy of Mr. Mark E. Earnest, sicko at large
En route to see the Halos
Steve trying out the headset for size
 The view aint bad. Ha!
The Spanish sports announcers
Making Applesauce
Eating apple rings on the floor. The spoils of Grammie's labors.
Mmmm.... apples.
The perfect string of apple skin is ruined!

STILL eating those apples. Off of the floor.
Applesauce, here we come.
Stirring the witches' brew

At Madelyn's Soccer Game
Yay, Madelyn!
Go Purple Pixies!

"Monkey backpack"

Most likely saying "THIS!"
Stella taking the monkey for a walk
Bud not liking the leash. HAHA!
DISNEYLAND. In the Rain.
To Disneyland we go! I love how the hat smashes his
little ears to make him look like Buddy the Elf.
Waiting out the storm before buying our ponchos
Um, yeaaahhh. It started pouring.
Hillary hit the jackpot with this secret hiding place for us.

So hot right now. For the record, my little friend was not into the idea of having a tarp invading his personal space, so, sadly we made for the exit with our brand new ponchos, soaking wet feet, frozen fingers, and a very tired Buddy. Fun adventure, though.

The end. For now.

My final thought -- I LOVE RAIN. IT IS SO GLORIOUS. 


I loved this post. Brought back good memories... Love your mom's facial expressions, love Disneyland in the rain--especially when there is a car accident that hits a main power line in Anaheim, the power goes out at Disneyland, you get lost from the parentals because apparently there are two meeting places for the Rockets. Awww... good times. I also love the monkey backpack, we will be investing in one soon!
I love the leash! Where did you get it? seriously, people make fun of me for saying I want one for Jack, but I don't care haha.

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