long time no ramble

It's been a while since I've just updated the blog. Be prepared for an incoherent, non-chronological concoction of blog.
What has been going on around here?
Well, a whole lot of hanging out. And I've loved every second of it. Steve has (miraculously and coincidentally) been working in CA for the past few weeks. It has been such a blessing! I have loved waking up next to Steve every morning (even though we sleep in two separate beds -- he's got the trundle bed on the floor, haha!) Classic. We have to remember these things.
Anyway, we've had a lot of exciting things going on at the house these past couple weeks.
My uncle, Charlie Stapley, was married in the Newport Beach Temple to his sweetheart, Stacey. We were all overjoyed for them. The reception was so beautiful -- it was in our backyard just like our wedding! Also, because of the wedding, we had tons of family in town last week from AZ. It was a partyWe are actually going to Aspen Grove family camp in Sundance, UT tomorrow for a full week of Stapley family reunionization action. We are so excited (mostly because of the daycare... jk. But really.) Danny is going to love playing with kids. I just hope he doesn't give any of the kids black eyes or, worse, rip out an eye altogether. He's in that stage.
An a completely different wavelength... what is up with this weather?? Christmas in July??!! Must be global warming, right? Ha! Seriously, I bundled up in my down comforter, sweats, socks, and sweatshirt today. And I was still cold. I don't think I could ever handle going back for a Utah winter. My body officially declared war on all things cold, today.My uncle, Charlie Stapley, was married in the Newport Beach Temple to his sweetheart, Stacey. We were all overjoyed for them. The reception was so beautiful -- it was in our backyard just like our wedding! Also, because of the wedding, we had tons of family in town last week from AZ. It was a partyWe are actually going to Aspen Grove family camp in Sundance, UT tomorrow for a full week of Stapley family reunionization action. We are so excited (mostly because of the daycare... jk. But really.) Danny is going to love playing with kids. I just hope he doesn't give any of the kids black eyes or, worse, rip out an eye altogether. He's in that stage.
A few weeks ago, we had a going away celebration for the Bruces. They left two weeks ago to serve as mission presidents in Chile for our church. They will be gone for three whole years! It is sad, but so great to see them do this amazing work! We will miss them, but I'm pretty sure their kids will miss them more :( You can do it, Bruces!
Trevor and his woman, Kaitlin
Ashley Bruce Larsen
Bishop Baldini and recently shattered elbow (ouch) with Scotty Clawson and Shizzle
Bishop Bruce entertaining the crowd
Sister Bruce is the star of the show!
Silly Cushy with RQ Shupe and the beautiful Sister Bruce
Lovely ladies: Sisters Lundquist, Clawson, and Stowell
President Oveson next to Grandma Sedgwick with Pam Ingersoll and Susan Shupe behind
Sheree and Rob -- aka Sherbert
Rob and Sheree came to visit... and Rob played video games with my brother Danny.
Sammy had a pre-mission fling with Dallas. This picture will either be legendary or completely unimportant someday.
Last weekend, Steve and I went to the Angels game with a couple friends, Mercedes and Aaron Attig. It was so fun! We wore red, cheered on the Halos, watched them lose in the top of the ninth, and then enjoyed a great fireworks show -- perfect for the 4th of July weekend.
A couple days ago, we took advantage of Family Night and went to Pizza Port in downtown San Clemente. Delish. Fun. Etc.
Croutons for dinner
Someone looks good his new $4 Old Navy V-neck!
He is so cool with that bottle.
Last Saturday was this little pumpkin's first birthday! Yay, SoyJoy! She is so cute -- I can hardly stand it. She had a fun pool party at the Easton's house.
Not asleep.
At Grandma Kathy's house a couple weeks ago... Ella, Livvy, Macall
I had to capture this moment. Yeah, B-rad!
I can't help myself. I have to post these random adorable shots.
HAD to record this. This is Danny's "bedroom"... aka our closet. He loves it.
Our usual hangout spot
Little Lolita wrapped up like a Buritta
Another shot from our day at Lagoon in Utah
Shopping makes him super duper tired. All that strolling really gets to him.