almost one
I woke up today and realized... "my lil' buddy turns one soon." Am I the weirdest mother in the universe because I don't feel that sad about this? Kind of sad, but kind of glad about it. Everyday that goes by, this kid gets smarter, faster, funner (?), easier, and cooler. I am a bit sad at how fast it all flies, but I am just so excited about each new stage and development in this boy's life that it's hard to linger in the past. The present is just too much fun.
For the record:
At one year old, Danny's fave foods are blueberries, a v o c a d o s, roast beef, beans, pizza, corn (on the cob, haha), watermelon, quesadillas, goldfish crackers, blueberry bagels with cream cheese, wheat bread with strawberry jam, fruit loops, nutrigrain bars, power a d e, whole milk (yessss), tootsie pops, peach ice cream.
His first word when he wakes up is always "ball" followed by "dada" and then "this" while pointing to whatever it is that he wants at the moment. Everything is "this" unless it's a "ball" or he's picking up the phone trying to call "dada".
Danny is learning to point, taking two or three steps (then panicking and dropping to the floor), standing by himself, still crawling with his right foot pedaling and his left leg dragging underneath, and playing more and more everyday. He throws a ball like a banshee, and has the coordination of Kobe. His favorite things to do (besides eat) are clap and click his tongue.
In conclusion, keep doin' whatcha doin', my buddyrooskie. We love this kid, and can't wait for year #2!
Pictures from the park last weekend -- I love where we live! :)

For the record:
At one year old, Danny's fave foods are blueberries, a v o c a d o s, roast beef, beans, pizza, corn (on the cob, haha), watermelon, quesadillas, goldfish crackers, blueberry bagels with cream cheese, wheat bread with strawberry jam, fruit loops, nutrigrain bars, power a d e, whole milk (yessss), tootsie pops, peach ice cream.
His first word when he wakes up is always "ball" followed by "dada" and then "this" while pointing to whatever it is that he wants at the moment. Everything is "this" unless it's a "ball" or he's picking up the phone trying to call "dada".
Danny is learning to point, taking two or three steps (then panicking and dropping to the floor), standing by himself, still crawling with his right foot pedaling and his left leg dragging underneath, and playing more and more everyday. He throws a ball like a banshee, and has the coordination of Kobe. His favorite things to do (besides eat) are clap and click his tongue.
In conclusion, keep doin' whatcha doin', my buddyrooskie. We love this kid, and can't wait for year #2!
Pictures from the park last weekend -- I love where we live! :)
standing by himself
clapping for mom
probably pointing and saying "this!"
making faces because he's bored of taking pictures
playing with his dad