Remember this?

I thought these little things were HORRIFYING back then (well, like a month ago).
If only I knew what the final weeks of pregnancy had in store for me...
Look at me now. AWESOME. Worry not, for this is my final stretch mark picture post.
I think my belly looks like I papier mache'd a 
balloon and painted an ugly stomach on it.
Woahhhh.... is that really ME???!!! NO, it is not. At least that's what I tell myself.
The frontal shot.
Well, Little Buddy. I know you're going to be worth it.
And hey, at least it will never get worse (knock on wood).


McKenzie... said…
I thought it was horrible back than too....but now it's gorgeous!:) You know I love you and your beautiful little buddy who loves dancing around to music! Only days......
Alyssa Lark said…
It that really necessary? Come on. I might have just thrown up a little in my mouth. I have them too... but not this bad.. and mine are fading. Sorry becca... no more two pieces for you. But the baby is truly worth it.
Jenni said…
aww sweetie! those don't look fun! only a few more days though...
Katie said…
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it does get worse, with every pregnancy! Mine are almost all the way up to my boobs now! Sadness. Landon calls them my battle scars. And you will probably not want to wear a bikini ever again. Good thing that kid is going to be so darn cute! It is so worth it.
Cason and Marie said…
YOu got the big pictures figured out! Nice! I am so sorry about the stretch marks. That is one thing I am not excited about. I can't wait t you see the little buddy!!
queenieweenie said…
I promise all the worry about stretch marks fades when you look at your baby for the first time...and then comes back about 15 years later.
Glen Hughes said…
You are almost done!!! Woo Hoo!!! All of those stretch marks just mean that you were ridiculously skinny and tiny before you got pregnant!!!!! And now you are almost done! I can’t want to see the first post introducing baby to the blog! It will be sooo soon! Good luck!
i concur with the "you're super skinny" so your skin had to stretch a ton. i have used utter cream for both pregnancies nightly before going to bed and in the morning on my belly and it seems to work great. i only got 4 small stretch marks with madison and none with brooke. good luck. can't wait to meet him! he'll be one dang cute baby!
I just realized the golden boy comment was me..... thought i should let you know so you didn't think a "golden boy" was creeping on your BLOG!
Ouch is what I say! He will be well worth it Im sure! How are you feeling? Ready for him to be out?
r+s+a laney said…
how does steve feel about you posting these pics?
Chrissy said…
Ditto to what Katie said! My stomach is scary.
Unknown said…
Oh my word Becca! Your daring to throw those all up there! This is one thing I can't relate too...I never got a single stretch mark on my tummy with any of my 3 pregnancy's:) But the boobs and behind are another story and I'm not putting up any of those pictures because there aren't any!

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