Who does baby Danny take after?

Dad's (left) and Mom's (right) Baby Pictures:
Danny boy's baby pictures:


r+s+a laney said…
BOTH! he totally has steve's nose. can't wait to see him.
Prina Family said…
All 3 of your baby pics look so much alike! He definitely has steves nose but he looks a lot like your baby pic. He is so sweet and cute!
Katie said…
Looks like a mix to me!
Unknown said…
so i'm really not predjudice but he looks so much like Steve when he was a baby I can hardly believe it! Although I have to say I do see some similarity with that baby picture of yours! He sure is cute!
Mindy said…
As babies, I cannot believe how much you all look alike!! Too funny!!
Lauren and Josh said…
He seriously looks like the perfect mix of both of you! Yours and Steve's baby pictures look so similar, that I really can't tell!
Denise said…
He looks a lot like I remember Steve looking when we were kids. And in any case, he's adorable:). Congratulations!

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