I Love Him


Congrats Becca he is beautiful!!
Brooke Wilkins said…
hey! SO SO SO cute! does he have a name? How big was he?
Oh he's so precious! I want to see more pics! Does he have hair? How much did he weigh? CONGRATS! He's so DARLING!
All these babies being born made me want to watch Shea's c-section video today... this is the best moment of your life. Enjoy every second.

p.s. I want him.
Chelsea said…
so maybe it was worth it?
congratulations, he's adorable.
Alyssa Lark said…
so cute! congrats! that's the best feeling... holding your brand new babe.
Kara said…
He's SOO cute! Congratulations!!!! I can't believe you little one is already here. I remember the day that you announced on your blog that you were pregnant and now he's HERE! I'm excited to hear the birth story! Congrats again!
Audrey Crisp said…
cute!!! congrats!!! What is HIS NAME!!! can't wait to see more pics. hope you're doing okay!
Becca he's DARLING!!!! I'm so glad he's finally here :)
queenieweenie said…
Oh my goodness! What a baby doll.

How was labor?
How big is he?
What's his name?
Inquiring minds want to know.
He is SOOOOOOOOOO cute! Can't wait to meet him. I hope everything went wonderfully!
Unknown said…
I love him too! I can't wait to snuggle him:) Thanks for the fun Anniversary present little Buddy! August 10th is a special day!
Lauren said…
How exciting! He is so cute becs!

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