"You Love Inflicting Pain Upon Me..." + Grand Times
Steve is funny. The title of this post is his fairly regular quote to me. I pick at his zits, squeeze his blackheads, pull out ingrown hairs, and now I am a pain-inflicting blister surgeon.
Check out this blister!!! What a true reflection of how hard Steve's been working this weekend :) Haha... or the result of 4 hours of basketball.

The bugs here are insane. Please look at the size of this slug!
Our LAST shopping trip at the local SHAWS! What a rip.
Morning pool sesh. Nice legs Char!... Oh yeah, you too Steve!
DATE NIGHT #2 of the summer! We went to Kimball Farms Mini Golf and it was RAD. Probably the coolest mini golf course in Mass. It was seriously decked out like Disneyland -- I felt like I was in line for Indiana Jones or Splash Mountain. WE TIED!