Our weekend started on Saturday with our first real "date night" in a LONG time! Luckily (for me), Steve's office got kicked out of the city they were working in early because their licenses hadn't finished processing. He came home at 7:30 and we headed to LEGAL SEA FOODS (a Boston must) as our last real Boston dining experience.KAYAKING ON THE CHARLES RIVER
We've watched adventurous folk gliding along the Charles in their kayaks, canoes, and paddleboats dozens of times and ALWAYS wanted to do it. This was our last chance and we took it! We spent an hour in the beautiful great outdoors together in a two-man kayak. We saw swans, islands, lily pads, and all kinds of beautiful scenery :)HOME-MADE DONUTS!
So Paula Deen taught me a neat trick the other day -- home-made donuts from ready-made biscuit dough! It was easy, dense, and delicious! Steve was so impressed with his wife :)
As our last Sunday in Boston, we thought we'd attend the later ward in our building so we could SAY we'd been to Mitt Romney's ward while living here. Not in a million years did we expect him to be in town during this crazy election time. As soon as we sat down, I noticed a beautiful full head of thick, gracefully graying, distinct hair -- it was HIS. We were only a couple rows behind my favorite political celeb. Steve was staring, I was shaking.
WOW this is embarrassing that I am posting this picture -- but it was all I could get. I apologize for turning into the paparazzi with my phone in sacrament meeting.
After sacrament, I knew I would kill myself (if my family didn't) if I didn't muster up the courage to just shake his hand, say hello, and express my gratitude for all he's done. Steve was too scared (sorry darling!), so I had to initiate.
In a nutshell, a addressed him as BROTHER ROMNEY, introduced myself and Steve, told him my family would kill me if I didn't shake his hand and express thanks, he asked where we were from and if we were married, then he said to tell the fam HI!
In a nutshell, a addressed him as BROTHER ROMNEY, introduced myself and Steve, told him my family would kill me if I didn't shake his hand and express thanks, he asked where we were from and if we were married, then he said to tell the fam HI!
And way to go on being so BRAVE:) I also just want to say how fun it's been to read your blog and get to know you better thru it. Especially since you are my sis-in-law and you live so far away! Tell STEVE HI from me!