Decent Day If I Do So Say
Today was an all-around grand day. It started with an early session at the temple with Steve. We were the only couple in the session, so it was really special to be there together. I love making time to do things with Steve in the morning! After, we stopped by Mickey D's for Steve's usual 2 for $3 Chicken Biscuits, and I went with my fave -- Sausage, Egg, & Cheese McGriddle.
It was a cloudy day, so I brightened it up with a little outdoor fun and exercise. Marilee, CharLee, Eve, and I went to Minuteman National Park and jogged/walked along the battle trail. It was the easiest, most beautiful run! The weather was perfect, too.

After our jog, we went to reward ourselves with a delicious scoop of Kimball Farms' famous ice cream... haha, yeeeeaaahhhh!
Tonight I did something I am very proud of -- I recycled food. What a champion I am! We had some mediocre leftover enchilada casserole (that neither one of us wanted to eat again...), but I didn't want to waste it!
Sooooo.... I sauteed an onion, and some frozen bell pepers (which were purchased in bulk for cheap), threw in some garlic, chicken stock, taco seasonings, and the leftover casserole.... I then grabbed my handy new immersion blender and coarsely blended it all. I then added diced tomatoes, kidney beans, and seasoned ground turkey. What I ended up with was a delicious Enchilada Chili. Steve even liked it! (That's huge for me)
BEST part of the day -- STEVE GOT HOME EARLIER THAN USUAL! YAY! I love when he gets home before 10pm :)