Head-Shaving Party

Well he finally did it.... Steve chopped his locks. It was a scary move -- he's never had hair this short. We decided to just DO IT, and everyone else did, too, which made it fun!

Getting ready.
... GONE!
The final result.
Matt, Jeff, Steve


Tiffany said…
Hey Becca! I saw you put your blog address on facebook and I checked it out! So cute! I love that you are married! I remember when we first met back in our freshman year of high school at ASB camp... I can't believe what a small world it was to keep on meeting after that! Anyways... check out Ryan and I's blog... tiffanyandryan.blogspot.com!
Tiffany Webber said…
Im glad the clippers I got Steve for Christmas have come into good use! I bet it feels so much better since he's outside all day! I love your new pics! My favorite is the one's with the yellow background! Hope you don't mind that I stole one to put on the family recipe blog! Love you guys!

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