watch out! two in one day.

yes, this is my second post. i couldn't post today without leaving ya'll with a lovely picture. courtesy of steve's iphone. this was me last week in the ER. good times. at least this means this pregnancy will probably stick, right?!

i am not even trying to look pathetic in the above picture. genuine pathetic-ness. the nurse tried to draw blood for testing THREE times, but my veins were collapsing on her catheters (i bent one, actually) because i was so dehydrated.  finally, a pediatric catheter dripped fluids into me for a few hours and behold, we had blood once again. the worst part of this day was when the discharged me from the hospital -- "wait, all that money and time wasted on an ER trip and i STILL feel like this?!" please, no. please, please, please... (quiet sobs draw out and then fade...)


Becca...I think I had those same exact days down to the last little detail during my pregnancies. I don't tell you this to make you feel better because I know it is frustrating and you seriously feel like you are going to die, but know that I feel your pain and that you are in my prayers! It doesn't make sense why pregnancies are so much harder for some people, but I like to think our kids are extra cute because of it...or something. :) those were always the days when I prayed the hardest. The only thing that ever got me through was physically writing down on paper every day that it was one more day closer to feeling better again. Seriously...keep reminding yourself of that! It can't last forever. Hang in there!!
Audrey Crisp said…
I'm so sorry you've been miserable! You poor thing! I hope this pregnancy sticks and everything gets better! That's so rad you are living rent free and got a new car.
Becca Dear... I am so sorry you have had such a tough go-around with pregnancy, my goodness deary! As you know, I too am pregnant, sick, but NOT sick like you! UGH! I can't imagine having to be hospitalized, you poor thing! I hope you get feeling better soon. My doc was telling me three things that increase sickness in pregnancy: stress, fatigue, and lack of food and liquids. He said, eat every 2-4 hours AT LEAST, drink all day long, go to bed at 9pm, and eliminate any additional stresses that you possibly can from life, if necessary! I know some people just have it more rough than others, and there isn't much you can do... you are prob one of those and I'm so sorry! But I hope some of this simple advice maybe helps? I'm so sorry sweetie! Hang in there! PS when are you do/how far along are you? Hope you are feeling better by the minute. xoxoxo

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