thank heavens for technology

i am so grateful for that tiny screen behind me when i'm driving.
someone doesn't like to ride in his carseat, and someone else doesn't like to hear screaming EVERYTIME she gets into the car.
currently playing: shrek 2. fun for him to watch, funny for me to listen to. win-win.


Spilsburys said…
I agree ! Jayden has screamed bloody murder everytime we get in the car . I thought I died and gone to heaven when we got one for or car when he was 12 months old . But now I have a new phase thats driving me nuts . He just un -buckles himself and explores around in the car .It doesn't matter how many times I stop the dang car, buckle him back in the seat .Get after him for doing it .As soon as I take off he is back to un-buckling it agian ....AHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT TO DO ......IS THERE AND APP....FOR THAT U THINK ?
Steph said…
Hello! I have a quick question. . .I don't know the "rules" on car seats but when can they start forward facing? Is it by weight? Age? I still have Phoebs backwards, but she would be SOOOO much happier forwards. I figure her and D-boy are the same age so a guess its a green light!

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