
that is the adjective i would use to describe our stay in CA to date. the first couple weeks were mentally weird for me. i don't know why, but my silly mind played some tricks on me. one second i was ecstatic, the next second i was thinking "why did i move from utah!?" yes, silly thoughts, indeed.

staying with my parents could not be more ideal. i do the cooking. i am a live-in full-time babysitter when necessary (which is often). room and board are free as a bird. we definitely are not complaining.

i think the best things about living at home are as follows -- i get to see my siblings every day, my mom is my bud, i see my dad almost every day, baby danny has a bigger place to play, danny has buddies to play with at home, i can always ask someone to watch danny when i need a shower or need to cook dinner, and we have an "open closet" policy between all 4 girls in the house (ok, i made that one up... sometimes the girls go with it, sometimes they don't. hence the reason for my shopping spreeeee today. that's another post. eek!)

i would list cons, but there really aren't any :) thanks for having us, mama and papa stapley!

of course, this post would be incomplete without any casual, everyday, at-home snapshots.

at uncle danny's baseball game

watching from left field

hanging with stella in grammy's room



bouncing champion

no make-up and not a care in the world


sometimes we get ice cream when we pick uncle danny up from school.
cotton candy is his favorite flavor --ugghh!

about 5 seconds after getting into the car

stella asleep on the stairs

watching shrek

cruisin with mom


Tiffany said…
I totally know what you mean about why did I move from utah thoughts. I had those too, and I was like, "what the heck am I thinking?" I never ever thought I would feel that way!

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