these are a few of my favorite things
clean l i n e s clean homes bright c o l o r s big windows green grass simple design natural light sunshine
Baking, the Beach, Blogging, Boston, Capri Blue Volcano no. 6 Candle, all kinds of Cheese, Conservatism, Cooking, Dove Dark Chocolate, Dove Deodorant, Exercise, Fiction Books, Food Network, Fox News Channel, Glide Deep Clean Floss, Godiva chocolate cheesecake, Sharp knives (not in a creepy way), Fresh Haircuts, Long Hot Baths, Summer Nights, Ice Cream, iPhones, Kiehls Tinted SPF 15 Moisturizer, Manis and Pedis, Marriage, Massages, My Nikon D5000, ORGANIZATION, San Juan Capistrano, S l e e p i n g, Steve and baby Danny, Summer, The Book of Mormon, TiVo, Volleyball, Walking Outside, Thick Headbands, Vanilla-flavored anything, Greek food, my family, baseball games, learning, Costco, sewing, d o n u t s, Maglebys Fresh Pancakes, Philly Cheesesteaks, fresh flowers
L O V E the ABOVE.