these are a few of my favorite things

clean l i n e s  clean homes  bright c o l o r s  big windows green grass    simple design    natural light    sunshine
Baking, the Beach, Blogging, Boston, Capri Blue Volcano no. 6 Candle, all kinds of Cheese, Conservatism, Cooking, Dove Dark Chocolate, Dove Deodorant, Exercise, Fiction Books, Food Network, Fox News Channel, Glide Deep Clean Floss, Godiva chocolate cheesecake, Sharp knives (not in a creepy way), Fresh Haircuts, Long Hot Baths, Summer Nights, Ice Cream, iPhones, Kiehls Tinted SPF 15 Moisturizer, Manis and Pedis, Marriage, Massages, My Nikon D5000, ORGANIZATIONSan Juan CapistranoS l e e p i n gSteve and baby Danny, Summer, The Book of Mormon, TiVo, Volleyball, Walking Outside, Thick Headbands, Vanilla-flavored anything, Greek food, my family, baseball games, learning, Costco, sewing,  d  o  n  u  t  s, Maglebys Fresh Pancakes, Philly Cheesesteaks, fresh flowers
L O V E the ABOVE.


Anonymous said…
Those are some of my favorite things as well! Congrats on the new job! That will be fun to have you guys down here, we will have to hang out this summer for sure!!

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