life is a highway
We bought a car! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER. I'm obsessed. We've been a one car family since September, which has been great considering the $ we've saved and all the time we've spent in the car together :) The 256k miles, year 2000, l u x u r y Diamante served us well beyond our expectations, but the time finally came to make the purchase. We had been researching for months, and when a good deal popped up, we popped down to St. George to check it out. It was quite the day of travel, test-drives, paint estimates, mechanic inspections, negotiations, negotiations, and negotiations. By the end of the day (and lots of hard work on Steve's part -- thanks, honey!), we were sporting a sicky silver Nissan Armada! I couldn't be happier. I love it! Now my sister, Amanda can rest easy knowing her nephew is up high and safe in a big, fat SUV rather than in the 10-year-old 'Mante (as she lovingly refers to it). She has been terribly worried, haha. I just want to go on record saying that I LOVE the Diamante. It is comfy, powerful, and paid-for. But I still can't help jumping for joy. Yay! I feel like a seriously legit mom, now. The end!
and thank you for the nice comment you left on my blog. you are TOO nice... and i think you are fabulous in all ways.
I bet you look stunning driving around in it:)