life is a highway

We bought a car! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER. I'm obsessed. We've been a one car family since September, which has been great considering the $ we've saved and all the time we've spent in the car together :) The 256k miles, year 2000, l u x u r y Diamante served us well beyond our expectations, but the time finally came to make the purchase. We had been researching for months, and when a good deal popped up, we popped down to St. George to check it out. It was quite the day of travel, test-drives, paint estimates, mechanic inspections, negotiations, negotiations, and negotiations. By the end of the day (and lots of hard work on Steve's part -- thanks, honey!), we were sporting a sicky silver Nissan Armada! I couldn't be happier. I love it! Now my sister, Amanda can rest easy knowing her nephew is up high and safe in a big, fat SUV rather than in the 10-year-old 'Mante (as she lovingly refers to it). She has been terribly worried, haha. I just want to go on record saying that I LOVE the Diamante. It is comfy, powerful, and paid-for. But I still can't help jumping for joy. Yay! I feel like a seriously legit mom, now. The end!


Audrey Crisp said…
Congrats! That looks awesome!
McKenzie... said…
Well hello new SUV!!! looks like you need a few more kids to fill it up! Quite the ugrade I must say. Congrats!
J & J said…
we have a 2008 pathfinder and LOVE it. it seriously is my favorite car i've ever driven. congrats on the aramada...welcome to the nissan family. ha! seriously though, they're the best. congrats!

and thank you for the nice comment you left on my blog. you are TOO nice... and i think you are fabulous in all ways.
Sierra Prina said…
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Prina Family said…
Awesome! Congratulations, that really is such a big deal. We have had only one car for 2 years now and its hard. at least its an suv though, that makes a big difference.
I bet you look stunning driving around in it:)
Spilsburys said…
So fun, yea for big cars !
The Bowles said…
we have had three Nissans (titan, altima, and another truck) and loved every single one! i'll go foreign from now on! the armada is a sweet car! hooray for awesome deals! i've always imagined myself driving an armada instead of a suburban, but they both are so dang expensive! so brad says i have to go the minivan route when the day comes...i don't know how i feel about it though. lol.
PJ & SANDRA said…
Yay.... you guys are rollin on some sweet wheels! how exciting!
T & W said…
SASSSSSSYYYY becca. You are going to be one sexy mama in that silver beauty! And we had a wedding reception to go to this weekend but yes date night this saturday!! bring the new wheels!
Chelsea said…
that is a sweet ride! getting a new car is the best. congrats.
Love it! I hate car shopping but also love the final purchase! SO fun!
We noticed a new, big purchase in the parking garage the other day. Congrats - so exciting!

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