What a Grand Time

We just had the best weekend at my parents' house in CA. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and my little buddy couldn't have been a better sport. Phew! I'll admit, the thought of taking this little booger on a plane (twice) by myself, carting him around for wedding festivities, and being the only one getting up at night to take care of him was a little... well, scary. We were lucky to get out alive, and better yet, have a ton of fun in the sun! The weekend consisted of the beach (hallelujah!), the San Diego Temple, a beautttttiful wedding, ukulele jam sessions, a delicious Valentines Day meal, folding Nochi Blankis, and playing Super Mario Bros. Thanks to Steve for sending us off for a fun time; and thanks to Grammy and Papa for letting us come play!
We will be back A.S.A.P. Count on it!


Cason and Marie said…
aw how fun! I could use a trip home right about now. Your suit is darling! And I love that little smiley face boy. Sounds like fun!
Cason and Marie said…
aw how fun! I could use a trip home right about now. Your suit is darling! And I love that little smiley face boy. Sounds like fun!
Audrey Crisp said…
Sounds like oyu had so much fun! The pics from her wedding look beautiful! Glad it went well!
Deborah said…
We loved you being here! Can't wait until you come for a longer stay (with Steve) :-).
Jes said…
Becca you are the cutest mom! You just glow...seriously! I love all the pics and I'm super jealous you were able to go to Cali where its warm!

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