What a Grand Time
We just had the best weekend at my parents' house in CA. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and my little buddy couldn't have been a better sport. Phew! I'll admit, the thought of taking this little booger on a plane (twice) by myself, carting him around for wedding festivities, and being the only one getting up at night to take care of him was a little... well, scary. We were lucky to get out alive, and better yet, have a ton of fun in the sun! The weekend consisted of the beach (hallelujah!), the San Diego Temple, a beautttttiful wedding, ukulele jam sessions, a delicious Valentines Day meal, folding Nochi Blankis, and playing Super Mario Bros. Thanks to Steve for sending us off for a fun time; and thanks to Grammy and Papa for letting us come play!
We will be back A.S.A.P. Count on it!