In Case You Were Wondering

This list has been growing in my iPhone notes folder for months. I keep adding to it, and the length is overwhelming. It's the reason I have not blogged since April. I ran outta "blogger juice", if you will.

- birthday
- anniversary
- letter to Danny
- the move
- miscarriage...
- memorial day
- boysenberries and herbs
- psycho two-year-old tales
- grandma's party
- hair trauma
- Disneyland
- armada farewell
- wicked
- Utah/Smith wedding
- the car
- 4th of July

Someday I will get to this, but until then... The list will continue to grow.


Can Touche maybe just do the car (what did you get??), 2 year old tales, and boysenberry?

Thanks! :)
Audrey Crisp said…
Sorry you had a miscarriage! That must be awful... Good luck with everything and getting back to blogging!
jennie said…
yes, you finally posted something new on your blog!!! Say hi to buddy for me!!!

Love Abbie
Sierra Prina said…
Now im really interested in hearing more about these things. I hope you are doing well. Please blog soon:)
Unknown said…
OK I'm family and I didn't even know you had a miscarriage! I'm so sorry, that is heartbreaking because I know you want to be pregnant.

Keep blogging, it is so much more fun than FB! (I guess just not as easy)
I'm glad you updated your blog :) I'm sorry to hear about your MC :( I am thinking you will have a little girl, though, by June 2012 and she will be in the same grade as my baby girl and Lauren's, too! So I'll be hoping for that! :) xoxo
Elise said…
Ugh. I've had my share of MC and totally feel your pain and the (....) It's the worst ever.

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