when will the madness stop?

steve and i both were up all night barfing our guts out. and my sinus infection and ear infections have yet to completely subside.

all i can say is, thank goodness for my mama. she took care of baby dan all morning so steve and i could stay in bed. i think this has been the best perk to date of living with my parents :) thanks, mom.

now, back to bed.


Unknown said…
yeah we had that happen to us ONLY in ADDITION I had three little boys, 5, 3, and 1 puking simultaniously right along side my husband and I! I have had a lot happen to me as a wife and mom, but never that!
Sorry you are sick! Its going around, everyone in our ward and all our friends have had it too. It sucks! It totally helps to have parents and family around who your kid loves and who love your kids! Get better!
Audrey Crisp said…
That sucks!! Dude- hope you guys feel better! I can't believe how long you've been sick! I didn't know you lived with your parents... How great! BTW- What font is that cursive one in your header called? : )
Chelsea said…
sorry i made you stay up until 1am, especially when sick! next week i promise to be more prompt! :-) feel better.

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