Saturdays Rock

Last Saturday was a fun one, indeed. We did a little Dana Point Harbor Stroll, got lunch at Costco, and hit up the pool with family. I love living here!
me and my bud
danny met some new, cute, furry friends
... and a gigantic, lion-like dog
lest you be fooled, much of the day looked like the above picture
manly bonding by the water
tons of paddlesurfers out in the harbor -- I want to try!
strolling sweethearts
just a pic of the harbizzle
oh my goodness. i made that person.
playing in the baby pool at the outpost
the adults
my big boys


Audrey Crisp said…
Great pics! You do live in a great place. It looks like you all had a great day! I love your "I made this person" comment. Too funny...

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