... getting my Costco American Express rebate check every February! I consider it a birthday present.


McKenzie... said…
:) I love this post! It may help that I worked for AmEx almost 5 years. I say you spend it on whatever the heck you want! Jesse wants to change our AmEx to the costco one but we need a costco membership first!
Jill Collier said…
Okay, so we totally lied when you asked us about baby #3, hehe. Sorry! We just wanted to wait until it was all for sure :) We are probably crazy to move onto #3, but hey, after having two, I feel like I can handle anything :) Your blog is SO cute by the way, I love all your pictures with your family! You two are such a cute couple!
Brynn Snyder said…
your blog is so cute, now I feel more connected to you, we need to have a hang out night, maybe one with out children!
mare said…
amen sister. you're a darling mother.

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