
ok, adorable.
handsome boys.
stelly belly and danny bro.
the super excited hostess with the mostess.
our delicious creation.
surprise! sammy's 16th surprise birthday.
awww... toooot! as stella would say.
daddy loves his baby.
look at me, i'm so awesome.
mmm cinnamon rolls.
mommy and danny.
da boys.
fun time at the park.
danny loved pushing baby danny.
sammy and madelyn.
stella twirling around.
beautiful madelyn.
the whole fam damily.
...and again.
the girls.
our little fam.
the christmas card shot.
love my boys!
just playing on mom's bed.
yeah, i'm the highlight of every blog post. woot woot.


McKenzie... said…
Becca! Soooooo happy to see a new post on your blog and one with lots of pictures!!! I can not believe how big Danny is now. WOW!! He is so handsome. Ahh I wish we still lived in the same apartment so i could see you and baby! I miss you!
queenieweenie said…
I LOVE seeing all the pictures of you and your cute fam!

I LOVE seeing pictures of that sweet baby boy of yours. Man...he is CUTE!
Audrey Crisp said…
CUTE! What a beautiful family you have! Your mom is beautiful! Cute pics of Danny!
r+s+a laney said…
bec the pics are beautiful, i almost cried because they are just so great!! you look great in them and so does steve. i just can't get enough of buddy boy. thanks for coming over last night. BL next tuesday!!! I don't know who i want to win. do you?
You look AMAZING!!!! good job, and the baby is getting cuter and cuter.
Anonymous said…
Little Danny is looking so big! I cant believe it. He is seriously the cutest thing ever. And YOU are looking FABULOUS! seriously. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Unknown said…
ALL such beautiful pictures!
Mindy said…
LOVE ALL THE PICTURES!! I finally have the internet again so I am catching up on everyone's blogs! Looks like you had an amazing Thanksgiving holiday!!

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