Good Job, Buddy

With all the physical stress of packing, cleaning, and moving yesterday (my body felt like it was crumbling), Buddy/Dino/Danny/SD3/Deebie Jr/Trace wiggled his way upside down and put his head right where it belongs. I am so relieved! The ultrasound technician showed me a picture of his little face, and MAN this baby's got some cute chubby cheeks! I am due in 5 weeks, the doctor said she'd induce me in 4 -- so for now, I am saying I've got 4 weeks to go! Yippee! Can't wait.


Oh that is awesome! You are getting so close! So it looks like we're moving into your place in Greenville next weekend. You'll have to let me know of fun things to do there. And love Steve's tan line! Ha ha ha it looks like every single salesman out here with us!
Prina Family said…
Yay! that is such good news and you are so close! Will you be in Utah when you have him? Like Bree said, we are moving there in a week. Do they have a good gym? Thanks for so many pool pics, now we can see what its like before we get there. It looks nice!
Ani said…
Ahhh! I can't believe you are that close!!!
You look super super good. Keep it up!
Hey Becca, Its a Lowe Family trait to store their "year supply" in their cheeks from birth on! Sooo glad only 4 weeks left! He's going to be the cutest!
r+s+a laney said…
Good job cousin Buddy! Trace? real name maybe? i've always liked that one, i think of a studly man.
good job becca! you are so close and you look great. i love the pic of steve "practicing" for his babe. my steve and i used to do that all the time! so cute!
Mindy said…
So happy for you! Can't wait to see the little cute boy!
Tiffany said…
I am so jealous that your doctor is going to induce you a week EARLY! I tried that here in Utah and they were like, nope sorry... hospital rules... we can't induce until a week after the due date because it increases the risk of c-section. Well guess what provo hospital... I waited a week after my due date, and my baby was to big so you had to do a c-section anyways! GOODNESS! Anyways, sorry about all your stupid customer service problems. I would pissed too! Don't you hate stupid workers! I'm excited that you are almost there and glad your little man turned over for you!
Glad the baby turned! Madison was breech--they tried turning her unsuccessfully. So she was c-section. He sounds like he's got some Sedgwick genes with those big cheeks!

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