
... can be surprisingly exciting when you're expecting.


Audrey Crisp said…
that's awesome! I've never seen one of those signs before!
CharLee Carn said…
How perfect is that??? ha ha :) Thats going to be REAL nice to have when that day comes! How are you doing by the way?? Are you getting so excited to be a mommy???
Prina Family said…
Yes i love those! They have them at babies r us in Orem and harmons in st. George and I go to those places just to park in a special spot and get attention. haha not really. Where is this one? Maybe ill have to go since we are moving there?
Chrissy said…
I LUV these! I got so excited when I was prego.
Unknown said…
Aren't those the best?!!! How are you feeling these days. My mom said you were starting to get sick again. As Olivia would say..."Oh PICKLES!".
Jes said…
what the? where is this?

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