"Weee'rrree Theeerrreee"

Well, we have arrived in Greenville, SC. We will be here for approx. 4-8 weeks, depending on how quickly Steve's office finishes working in this area, then we'll relocate to Charlotte, NC. It is really beautiful out here -- I feel like we live in our own little forest. So far, I've liked everything we've seen. Yesterday, we didn't have any cars, so we took a long walk around town. Every necessity is close by. Good food, Wal-Mart, Bi-Lo Market, boutiques, and a massage parlor (I want a massage so badly right now...) are just down the road. The weather is WARM already. It was about 80 degrees when we got here last night. The bugs are swarming. The air is heavy. And the heat feels so good to me. I am SO ready to not be cold finally!
Here's to a positive, fun, successful, nausea-free, productive, warm, exciting SUMMER.


ok said…
Ohh have so much fun! I LOVE Greenville. Also, I have quite a bit of family down there so if anything happens and you need some moral support, let me know and I'll give them a call! Isn't South Carolina gorgeous?! My mom grew up in Gaffney, which is a little town near Spartanburg, which isn't far from where you are. :)
I SOOOOOOOO hope you have some good nausea-free days ahead of you. I'll be anxious to hear about all the fun things you get to do out there!
r+s+a laney said…
you haven't told me you made it safely...i've been worried!
Hey Becca! My sister lives in North Carolina and its beautiful out there!!
Unknown said…
Glad you guys made it safe and sound!
Looks like you have an exciting summer ahead of you!
P.S. I like your new header
Mindy said…
YEAH!! I am so happy you can get a little settled now before your new little bundle of boy comes!! BTW-I love your new header also!! VERY CUTE!!
Nicole Marie said…
i used to live in Spartanburg which is like 20 min from Greenville! if you have a free weekend, rent a boat on Lake JoCasse. its right over the North Carolina border. gorgeous gorgeous lake and so fun!

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