I don't...

... fit into my jeans anymore.


its about time. when i was pregnant i was not fitting into my pants by 3 months. you are tall and skinny so i'm sure you will look absolutly gorgeous with your baby bunp.
Kara said…
I'm sorry your pants don't fit but its exciting to see that your baby is big enough to push your belly out! I'm nearing the pants don't fit avenue. I'm scared of the awkward in between phase where you just look fat! Good luck with everything! its so much fun to be going through this all at the same time with someone!
Alyssa said…
get used to it.
Becca you look so cute! Enjoy! ;)
Time for rubberbands! Or bella bands...have you heard of them? They're great! It is EXCITING that your jeans don't fit anymore!...and yeah, get used to it! I just recently started feeling comfortable enough with my muffin top to sport it in my skinny jeans again haha. I bet you look cute. I hope that you post pictures!
Ha ha ha love that you posted that. I think that's such an exciting moment because then it means you'll have a cute round belly to show off! Now you get to wear elastic waistbands! Heck yes! That is a truly defining moment in any woman's pregnancy...congrats! :)
And from Ryan..."That's my boy! Go Steve!"
Oh no, sad but happy day :) you get to be a cute pregnant mommy :)

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