"swoosh swoosh"...

... goes our baby's heartbeat! Today was my 2nd doctor's appointment/check up. The doctor put this little instrument on my stomach and first let me listen to my heartbeat (slow), then moved over to the baby's heartbeat (fast). It was so reassuring to just hear that little "swoosh swoosh" over and over again, and to hear the doctor tell us that everything is moving along nicely. The little sucker didn't like to be poked and bothered, so he (she?) flipped around after a couple seconds and quit giving us the heartbeat show, but at least we know she's (he's?) alive and well. Also, the doc said I should be feeling better soon, so I'm really getting my hopes up for the coming weeks! Here's to a happy day and, hopefully, even happier ones in the near future!


Steve and Becca, This post brought tears to my eyes. I'm so excited to meet this sweet little person about to come into our lives forever!
Prina Family said…
How cool. I remember hearing Kyler's heartbeat for the first time and i cried. Partly because my hormones were crazy but also because it is so amazing to know they are okay and realize even more that there is life inside of you! I'm so happy for you guys. Hope you feel better soon. Love you!
McKenzie... said…
YEAH!!! How exciting for you guys to hear the baby's heart beat and even more that you will be feeling better soon and can enjoy being pregnant! Can't wait for more baby lowe updates!:)
Alyssa Lark said…
It is pretty exciting to hear the heartbeat. Makes it all a little bit more real. I am glad you will be feeling better. Being sick and pregnant is not fun.
Elise said…
Wow! I have been so out of the loop, I didn't even know you were prego! Congrats you two!!

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