Still Alive, despite the long blog absence

Well, although I am alive, it seems like I'm about to die every second -- except for the rare and lucky moments when my Zofran works mini miracles. Zofran -- an anti-nausea drug, is quite helpful with "morning" sickness. "Morning" meaning every second I'm not asleep. Oh yeah, by the way, I'm pregnant. Some know this, but some don't because I haven't responded to emails, blog messages, facebook comments, etc for about a month -- sorry friends! Forgive me. This is what I've been feeling like lately :


I feel ya, sister. Zofran doesn't work perfectly, but it was about the only thing that helped me get through each day when I was pregnant! Congratulations, by the way! That is so exciting. I hope you are feeling better and better as each day goes by. May not feel like it now, but it's totally worth it. =)
YAY!! I still find it so exciting that you're pregnant even though I found out a long time ago. I'm sorry that you're still feeling sick. I hope that gets better soon. So exciting!!
Kara said…
Congratulations on the pregnancy! I'm sorry about the "all day" sickness. I hope you feel better soon! When are you due?
Tiffany said…
Shut UP!!! That is SO exciting! I am so happy for you! Congrats!! I know how you feel though about the all day sickness. It does get better though! You won't be completely healed, but it will get better! You will have some "sick" days every few weeks. But I am so excited for you Becca! When are you due?
Deborah said…
Hi Becca and Steve! So fun to read your blog again. You two are a match made in heaven. How blessed you both are to have each other. Marriage is a beautiful thing -- take good care of it :-).
Deborah said…
BTW . . . have I told you that I LOVE the name of your blog? So cute!
Alyssa said…
Morning Sickness sucks....I know. I don't think I had it has bad as you do though. If you need anything, give me a call.
Congrats to you both! Just found your blog on your facebook :) I am so happy for you!!!!!!! Keep in touch!
Mindy said…
Isn't bringing children into the world the BEST!! I am sick like this my whole pregnancy so I FEEL for you! Take care of yourself!! Congrats!

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