Nothing really that new

I feel like i haven't posted in forever, but I really have nothing especially exciting to report. My life goes like this lately: I wake up, eat something, feel super sick for about 3-4 hours, get up and run an errand with Steve to get off the couch, clean up the apartment, eat dinner, feel realllllly sick for about 4 hours, then try to sleep (I usually sleep between 10pm-3am, then just wake up terribly uncomfortable and nauseous). This is about it. Hopefully only a few more weeks!

Steve doesn't have class until the afternoons, so I've been really lucky to see him so much in the mornings. A lot of the time, he'll have me drive him to school, and then I'll do something while he's in class so I'll get out and feel a little better. He's taking classes in finance, economics -- his major, and organizational behavior. I'm so proud he's my man :) I tell him almost every day how lucky I feel that we ended up together. He takes such good care of me. I could go on and on.

Anywho, I'm going to sip some fresca and get back to the couch. I just feel lucky that I'm able to stay home and be a vegetable -- I don't know how pregnant women who get sick go to school, work, and have children at the same time! Someday I guess I'll have to dig deep and find that strength, but for now, I'm just so grateful that I don't have to.


Tiffany said…
Poor Becca! I hope you start to feel better once you are out of the first trimester! I would just lie on the couch all day too. But sometimes it did help to do something to get my mind off of being sick. Also, ginger ale did help sometimes too!
Unknown said…
Reminded me of when I was sick and prego with Macall and wondering how I did it when I was working full time, sick , and pregnant with Olivia. I would be doing a clients hair, run and throw up, and come back! I guess we do what we have to do! I do hope you get feeling better soon:)
I seriously cant believe your pregnant! That is so exciting I added you as a friend on blog :) Your so cute and ya'll will have a beautiful baby!

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