There once was a sore on my face.
The dermatologist thought it was weird.
He decided to biopsy it.
Now it is a 3 mm deep hole.
I hope it disappears. Someday.
These pictures don't do justice.


g.lock said…
ouch! hope it goes away quick. it was good hearing from you!
Amanda said…
yikes! that doesn't look like fun <:(. when do you get the test results? do you have to walk around with a band-aid or something on your face?! bummer!
yikes. i actually had a mole like that cut out of the side of my face a few years ago. don't'll go away :)
Tiffany Webber said…
Ouch Becca! Now I'm concerned about the weird thing on my cheek! I hope it heals up soon for you!! :(
Lauren said…
oh my goodness! ouchy! love you boo

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